Friday, May 25, 2012

EMT Fired Over Facebook Post

EMT Fired Over Facebook Post

Caution to every business who has a social media policy --- review its compliance to the new NLRB determination. Does the policy illegal prohibit employees from discussing the work environment? If so, you may want to do an immediate review and rewrite the policy.

Top 10 items HR needs to focus on in 2012

This is such a great list of 10 top items that HR needs to focus on for the rest of the year. Human Resources constantly evolves - it is one of the things that I LOVE about my career. When you think you have the law down -- it changes a bit.

When looking at the list as a whole, it can be quite overwhelming. Take one item each month and work to make sure that your policies and procedures are compliant.

How To Effectively Use Social Media

Social media isn't just for chatting with your friends and playing games. There are direct and relevant business opportunities in social media. Even the White House uses social media to keep citizens informed and involved in the conversation.

What are you doing to keep customers talking about your business?

Social Media Lessons from the White House